Short fuse on Long Island for religious student clubs

School has budget for Ping Pong club but not for Christian club, lawsuit marks third Long Island school district sued by ADF in as many years
Monday, May 2, 2011

ADF: Ariz. law protecting student religious expression comes at perfect time

ADF letter to Gov. Brewer debunked American Counseling Association’s claims about key component of bill
Monday, May 2, 2011

ADF dispels myths about Indiana bill that would defund Planned Parenthood

ADF provides legal opinion to Gov. Mitch Daniels affirming bill is legally sound
Friday, Apr 29, 2011

ADF battle against religious discrimination policies at public facilities marches past halfway point

More than half of 750-plus government-run facilities have changed policies as result of ADF letters sent nationwide
Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011

Raped girl's lawsuit against Planned Parenthood comes to a close

ADF-allied attorney represents parents of 14-year-old girl who received abortion after being impregnated by soccer coach
Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011

Calif. marriage amendment defenders file motion to throw out district court ruling

Motion says new information shows judge should have stepped out of case
Monday, Apr 25, 2011

ADF takes Utah roadside crosses case to U.S. Supreme Court

Divided 10th Circuit ruled crosses for fallen troopers unconstitutional despite high court comments indicating otherwise
Wednesday, Apr 20, 2011

ADF: House heading in right direction in defense of DOMA

House moves forward with organizing defense of federal Defense of Marriage Act
Monday, Apr 18, 2011

Ohio school district welcomes fliers…as long as they're not religious

ADF attorneys file suit against Garfield Heights Board of Education for using unconstitutional policy to prohibit Christmas fliers
Friday, Apr 15, 2011

7th Circuit rejects lawsuit against National Day of Prayer

ADF filed friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of National Day of Prayer Task Force
Thursday, Apr 14, 2011