7th Circuit rules Illinois high school 'cannot…stifle criticism of homosexuality'

ADF represents students in lawsuit sparked by ban on ‘Be Happy, Not Gay’ T-shirt
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2011

Indiana U. eliminates policy that excluded religious student groups from student fee funding

ADF letter, ADF win in 7th Circuit provided basis for policy change
Monday, Feb 28, 2011

Federal court dismisses attack on La. abortion clinic regulations

ADF is co-counsel with La. Dept. of Health in defense of Outpatient Abortion Facility Licensing Law
Friday, Feb 25, 2011

Canada's Carleton University sued for blocking pro-life expression, arresting students

ADF-allied attorney represents pro-life students
Wednesday, Feb 23, 2011

ADF statement in response to DOJ letter on Defense of Marriage Act

Obama administration says it will no longer defend key component of DOMA
Wednesday, Feb 23, 2011

Indiana county's regulations on abortion survive ACLU challenge

Women’s protections through Patient Safety Ordinance left largely intact after abortionist dismisses lawsuit against Allen County
Tuesday, Feb 22, 2011

UC-Davis ousts religious discrimination definition that characterized Christians as oppressors

University says definition will either be revised or eliminated in wake of concerns expressed in letter from ADF-allied attorney
Thursday, Feb 17, 2011

UC-Davis policy defines religious discrimination as Christians oppressing non-Christians

ADF-allied attorney sends letter on behalf of Christian students objecting to definition that singles out Christians as oppressors
Wednesday, Feb 16, 2011

Univ. of Mich. charges pro-life student group unconstitutional fees for hosting Alveda King event

ADF sends letter to university officials on behalf of Students for Life
Wednesday, Feb 16, 2011

ADF lawsuit against Ga. county just latest in long line of zoning abuses against churches

Coweta County denied expansion permit to church even though it met all requirements
Tuesday, Feb 15, 2011