ADF encourages governors to ignore activist groups, observe 2011 National Day of Prayer

ADF letters inform governors that participation in National Day of Prayer is constitutional
Monday, Mar 28, 2011

Wiens v. Germany resource page

Thursday, Mar 24, 2011

ADF: Stop parent's second prison sentence for keeping children from German 'sex education' programs

ADF asks European Court of Human Rights to quickly review appeals filed 13 months ago, four parents punished for not paying fine for protecting children’s Christian beliefs
Thursday, Mar 24, 2011

B.H. v. Garcia

Tuesday, Mar 22, 2011

New York City sued over law targeting pregnancy care centers

New code requires centers to post, publish notices advising women to seek help elsewhere, but law does not affect abortion facilities
Monday, Mar 21, 2011

ADF lawsuit results in protection for student religious expression at L.A. school district

ADF attorneys secure settlement for 5th-grader initially banned from performing to ‘offensive’ Christian song in talent show
Monday, Mar 21, 2011

European Court of Human Rights: Crosses can stay in Italy's classrooms

ADF represents 33 members of the European Parliament who intervened to defend Italy’s sovereignty
Friday, Mar 18, 2011

ADF files suit to protect Ariz. church from foreclosure based on $50K illegal tax bill

State agrees church shouldn’t owe taxes, La Paz County levied bill anyway
Thursday, Mar 17, 2011

Ark. Supreme Court showdown Thursday over law protecting adopted, foster children

ADF attorney available after oral arguments concerning voter-approved Act 1
Wednesday, Mar 16, 2011

ADF files two appeals with U.S. Supreme Court over right of students to fight policies that muzzle speech

Calif., Md. cases spur question: Can students challenge policies that stifle them?
Wednesday, Mar 16, 2011