Not just another brick in the walkway: Calif. high school forbids Christian pavers

ADF attorneys sue school board after women’s paid-for Bible message is prohibited
Monday, Jan 24, 2011

ADF co-sponsoring Students for Life of America Conference

ADF attorney available for media interviews following presentation at event featuring prominent pro-life political leaders, activists, including former PP Director Abby Johnson
Friday, Jan 21, 2011

ADF President Alan Sears comments on the passing of former ADF board member Sam Ericsson

Sears says colleague was a “pillar of faith, service, and the law”
Friday, Jan 21, 2011

Insult to injury: WVU-Parkersburg cuts all student speakers at graduation after students' plea to reinstate prayers

ADF sends second letter to university after officials retaliate with ban of student speakers from nursing program’s pinning ceremony
Thursday, Jan 20, 2011

No-stop shopping center for Fla. church

ADF files suit against city of Port St. Lucie for zoning out church
Thursday, Jan 20, 2011

Statement from ADF on U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to hear case over DC marriage initiative

ADF, Stand4MarriageDC appealed to high court to protect guaranteed voting rights of DC residents
Tuesday, Jan 18, 2011

ADF encourages churches, schools to celebrate Religious Freedom Day

ADF partnering with Gateways to Better Education to help churches better equip students, teachers to protect religious freedom in public schools
Friday, Jan 14, 2011

ADF attorney to speak at Mt. Soledad rally Saturday

Rally will express support for continued fight to protect veterans memorial
Friday, Jan 14, 2011

Dust v. Vanderbilt University

Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011

Vanderbilt University abandons illegal policy that forced nursing residents to sign abortion pledge

Policy change comes one day after ADF files complaints with Department of Health and Human Services
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011

Vanderbilt University illegally requiring nursing residents to sign abortion pledge

ADF files complaint with Department of Health and Human Services
Tuesday, Jan 11, 2011

Palm Beach State College agrees to lift literature distribution ban while ADF lawsuit proceeds

School officials agree to allow some free speech for now, say they will revise other policies
Monday, Jan 10, 2011