Statement from ADF on tragic death of Chief Judge John Roll

Comments of ADF President, CEO, and General Counsel Alan Sears
Sunday, Jan 9, 2011

ADF files federal suit against Ohio city for blocking Christian school from using its own building

Upper Arlington’s problematic zoning code blocks Christian school but would allow daycare facility, other similar uses
Wednesday, Jan 5, 2011

In the matter of Kurowski and Kurowski (Voydatch) resource page

Additional media resources available at right. To book an interview, click on the "Book an Interview" button.
Wednesday, Jan 5, 2011

NH Supreme Court to hear arguments in case of home-schooled girl Thursday

Attorneys with ADF available for media interviews after hearing
Wednesday, Jan 5, 2011

War heroes have the right to be remembered

Mt. Soledad memorial cross should stand, continue to honor sacrifice of American troops
Tuesday, Jan 4, 2011

The people of California have a right to be defended in Prop. 8 case

Politicians can’t nullify constitutional amendment protecting marriage by refusing to defend it
Tuesday, Jan 4, 2011

ADF attorneys, pro-life groups: Parental involvement more needed for abortions than for body piercings

Friend-of-the-court brief filed in Pa. Supreme Court to support judge's conclusion on required parental consent
Tuesday, Dec 28, 2010

Kansas town sued for taxing church attendance

ADF sues city of Mission for implementing new driveway tax
Tuesday, Dec 21, 2010

ADF sends letters to fend off attacks on Christmas expression in Nev., Ind.

ACLU, FFRF continue habit of threatening local governments
Monday, Dec 20, 2010

Senate votes to impose homosexual behavior on the military

ADF response to the U.S. Senate’s vote
Saturday, Dec 18, 2010

Europe saved from forced acceptance of abortion

European Court of Human Rights judgment in Irish case reaffirms that European Convention on Human Rights contains no ‘right’ to abortion
Thursday, Dec 16, 2010