Buffalo police: 'If you hand out one more tract, you're going to jail'

ADF attorneys file suit to challenge unconstitutional ban on free speech at Italian festival
Friday, May 11, 2012

ADF creates new legal victories for religious freedom in India

Successes in challenge to anti-conversion law, convictions against persecutors of Christians
Monday, May 7, 2012

ADF offers to defend RI World War I memorial cross

Atheist group continues its search-and-destroy mission based on constitutional falsehoods
Friday, May 4, 2012

ADF to cities, towns: Threats over Nat'l Day of Prayer are bogus

ADF offers free legal counsel to municipalities in wake of atheist group’s threats over prayer events
Friday, May 4, 2012

Fla. school creates legal scramble with ban on 4th-grader's Easter egg hunt fliers

ADF files suit after school bans invitations because they are ‘religious’
Thursday, May 3, 2012

ADF launches new nationwide effort to change unconstitutional policies at public universities

Legal initiative begins with letters to 40 universities across U.S.
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hercules versus Obama

ADF attorneys file suit against administration’s ‘abortion pill’ mandate on behalf of Denver’s Hercules Industries
Monday, Apr 30, 2012

Court: Marriage defenders in Hawaii can intervene to oppose legal attack

Judge grants ADF motion to allow Hawaii Family Forum to defend marriage in lawsuit
Monday, Apr 30, 2012

Western Ky. Univ. turns blind eye to vandalized pro-life display

ADF attorneys send letter to university on behalf of student club that sponsored display
Friday, Apr 27, 2012