City of Buffalo agrees to allow Christian speech, literature at Italian Festival

City agrees to preliminary court order while ADF lawsuit continues
Tuesday, Jun 12, 2012

Solomon's wisdom restored: Censorship of proverb in grad speech reversed

ADF letter prompts SC school officials to rethink ban on ‘religious quote’ in student-of-the-year’s speech
Friday, Jun 8, 2012

Marriage defenders will ask U.S. Supreme Court to hear Calif. Prop. 8 case

ADF: Marriage deserves to be defended against every attack
Tuesday, Jun 5, 2012

Elane Photography v. Willock

Monday, Jun 4, 2012

ADF will appeal NM court's decision against photographer

Human rights commission required artist to pay nearly $7,000 for declining to photograph same-sex ceremony
Monday, Jun 4, 2012

Sidewalk Sunday School kicked to the curb

ADF files suit after East Baton Rouge park commission’s ban on religious activities leaves at-risk youth program in the cold
Friday, Jun 1, 2012

Will court say worship services can continue in NYC public schools on weekends?

ADF attorney available to media following hearing Friday
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Honorable end to Va. honors student's dilemma

ADF lawsuit prompts school district to change policy that denied honor society credit for faith-based community service
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

UNC-Greensboro agrees Christian club can be Christian

University says Christian student club will no longer be forced to admit non-Christians as leaders, voting members
Tuesday, May 22, 2012