4th Circuit: No government-controlled speech at Md. pregnancy resource centers

Court affirms strike-down of Baltimore and Montgomery County ordinances
Thursday, Jun 28, 2012

ObamaCare cancer continues to spread in wake of U.S. Supreme Court's decision

High court refuses to strike down ObamaCare, ADF lawsuits to continue
Thursday, Jun 28, 2012

ADF attorney available to media at Supreme Court to discuss ObamaCare lawsuits, comments to HHS

ADF involved in several ObamaCare-related cases
Wednesday, Jun 27, 2012

ACLU threatens Utah parents' right to protect children from same-sex propaganda

ADF affirms school’s decision to secure parental permission before children check out homosexual advocacy book from libraries
Tuesday, Jun 26, 2012

Religious freedom prevails in Texas school flier showdown

School district revises policy after ADF filed suit over ban on third-grader’s Bible club invitations
Monday, Jun 25, 2012

Church forced underground…in Rockdale County, Ga.

County’s rules only allow large, wealthy churches to rent property
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012

Prayer before meals back at the table for Pa. seniors

ADF letter prompts center to end ban on voluntary prayers
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012

Funding bias exposed at Texas A&M

ADF files suit against university for prohibiting funds for political, religious groups while allowing funds for others
Wednesday, Jun 20, 2012

ADF attorney available to media at Supreme Court to discuss ObamaCare lawsuits

ADF involved in several ObamaCare-related cases
Friday, Jun 15, 2012

Swedish court declares mom, dad of abducted home-schooled boy to be fit parents

Domenic Johansson still in government captivity after three years
Thursday, Jun 14, 2012

Posters at Mo. school not just for zombies anymore

ADF lawsuit prompts school to allow students to display pro-life materials
Wednesday, Jun 13, 2012