Planned Parenthood bullied Calif. city into abortion agreement

ADF letters say hospital trustees violated state meeting law with private vote after abortion giant reportedly threatened to sue
Tuesday, Mar 17, 2015

Hercules defeats Obama admin. abortion-pill mandate

First business to obtain preliminary order against mandate sees final victory
Monday, Mar 16, 2015

ADF to Ky. court: Uphold printers' freedom to print or not print

ADF attorneys available to media following hearing Friday
Thursday, Mar 12, 2015

ADF Intl to UN: Forcing nurses to perform abortions violates intl law

Defenders of religious liberty to call for respect of intl standards at parallel event to Human Rights Council session
Wednesday, Mar 11, 2015

ADF: Iowa high court should uphold ban on 'webcam' abortions

ADF attorney available for media interviews at Iowa Supreme Court Wednesday
Tuesday, Mar 10, 2015

Appeals court rejects former congressman's lawsuit against pro-life group

ADF, allies asked 6th Circuit to uphold dismissal of baseless defamation case against Susan B. Anthony List
Friday, Mar 6, 2015

U. of Ga. revises policy that limited speech to less than 1 percent of campus

ADF lawsuit on behalf of Young Americans for Liberty prompts university to make changes
Wednesday, Mar 4, 2015

ADF: 'Jesus Tattoo' ad is protected free speech

ADF attorneys appeal court ruling that allowed Texas school district to refuse ad on Jumbotron
Monday, Mar 2, 2015

ADF to 8th Circuit: Allow Mo. to affirm marriage as one man, one woman

Brief explains that social science evidence shows children do best when they are raised by biological parents
Tuesday, Feb 24, 2015

Floral artist responds to Wash. attorney general's settlement offer

AG asked Barronelle Stutzman to pay $2,001, surrender her freedom
Friday, Feb 20, 2015