ADF to 3rd Circuit: US Supreme Court decision protects Geneva College from violating its beliefs

ADF asks court to reconsider decision in abortion-pill mandate case
Tuesday, Mar 31, 2015

NYC churches hope mayor keeps promise, rescinds worship service ban

US Supreme court leaves decision in place that will boot worship services from empty schools if mayor doesn’t act
Monday, Mar 30, 2015

ADF to full 5th Circuit: 'Jesus Tattoo' ad is protected free speech

Texas school district refused Christian ad on Jumbotron
Friday, Mar 27, 2015

Atlanta's desperate defense of discrimination still deficient

ADF: City continues to defend the indefensible
Thursday, Mar 26, 2015

Bruni v. City of Pittsburgh

Thursday, Mar 26, 2015

ADF to 3rd Circuit: Pittsburgh censorship zones violate free speech

ADF appeals ruling that upheld sweeping prohibition on free speech throughout city
Thursday, Mar 26, 2015

Canadian Supreme Court: Govt can't force Catholic school to teach contrary to its beliefs

Decision is important victory for freedom of conscience
Thursday, Mar 19, 2015

Illinois Supreme Court: non-parents cannot pretend to be parents to obtain custody of children

ADF-allied attorney argued mother’s case before state high court
Thursday, Mar 19, 2015

Congress to consider 'veto' of DC bills coercing organizations against their missions

ADF, other DC groups called on Congress to respect freedom of conscience
Wednesday, Mar 18, 2015