Fire chief sues city of Atlanta over unjust termination

ADF attorneys represent Kelvin Cochran, fired for his faith
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015

Wash. floral artist's home, savings at risk of state seizure after court ruling

ADF attorneys will appeal dangerous rulings
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015

European court vindicates Bulgarian woman unjustly arrested for private worship meetings

ECHR rules woman’s rights violated in 20-year-old case
Friday, Feb 13, 2015

ADF to Colo. appeals court: Stop illegal funding of abortion

State sent $14 million of taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood despite voter-approved law that forbids it
Friday, Feb 13, 2015

ADF to Congress: Laws protecting religious freedom must be safeguarded

ADF attorney to testify Friday before US House subcommittee
Thursday, Feb 12, 2015

ADF to European Parliament: UK 'three-parent embryo' legislation illegal

Legal memo requested by MEPs shows that regulations violate directive that requires EU approval
Wednesday, Feb 11, 2015

Canadian Supreme Court opens very narrow door to doctor-prescribed death

Decision only allows ‘stringently limited, carefully monitored system of exceptions,’ says doctors cannot be forced to participate in death
Friday, Feb 6, 2015

ADF to Congress: DC must abandon bills coercing organizations against their missions

ADF joins other DC groups calling on Congress to respect freedom of conscience
Thursday, Feb 5, 2015

ADF attorneys to testify on wide range of Colo. bills

ADF legal experts available for media interviews
Tuesday, Feb 3, 2015