Colo. school relents on prayer ban during free time

ADF withdraws suit after school district agrees to allow religious discussion, expression during lunch
Tuesday, Jun 9, 2015

5th Circuit upholds Texas law against cut-and-run abortionists

Law requires abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges, requires abortion facilities to meet same safety standards as other surgical centers
Tuesday, Jun 9, 2015

Abolitionists4Life v. Kustra

Wednesday, Jun 3, 2015

Boise State revises policy that required warning signs for pro-life events

ADF lawsuit on behalf of Abolitionists4Life prompts university to make changes
Wednesday, Jun 3, 2015

Chicago loses big battle in 10-year case against inner-city Christian ministry

7th Circuit: City’s lawsuit ‘frivolous,’ actions ‘possibly malevolent’
Wednesday, Jun 3, 2015

Wash. grandmother's home, livelihood, freedom at stake

ADF asks Wash. high court to reverse lower court ruling against Barronelle Stutzman
Monday, Jun 1, 2015