Missouri school's decision to open restrooms to the opposite sex jeopardizes students' privacy

Letter explains that no law requires letting members of the opposite sex into public school restrooms
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2015

ADF, Live Action to Calif. governor, legislature: Defund, investigate Planned Parenthood, StemExpress

ADF letter asks for end to taxpayer funding after video exposes harvesting of organs from baby with beating heart
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2015

Atheist group targets 'In God We Trust' on police cars

ADF sends 17 police departments letters explaining that displaying national motto is constitutional
Thursday, Aug 20, 2015

Court halts Baltimore City Council's harassing subpoena of pro-life pregnancy centers

Court squashes extensive demand for groups’ internal files
Friday, Aug 14, 2015

HHS continues to defend secrecy surrounding Planned Parenthood grants at US Supreme Court

ADF files brief responding to Obama administration’s arguments
Monday, Aug 10, 2015

ADF to Wash. council: Religious freedom resolution protects business owners

ADF attorney, Arlene’s Flowers owner available for media interviews
Monday, Aug 10, 2015

Planned Parenthood baby parts videos prompt call to suspend European Commission funding

Member of European Parliament asks commission if it will stop flow of money to abortion giant until US completes investigation
Friday, Aug 7, 2015