Student: Arkansas State shouldn't be let off the hook for free speech violation

ADF lawsuit prompted state to enact campus free speech law resulting in policy changes at ASU, but court left no consequences for officials who acted unconstitutionally
Friday, Sep 20, 2019

ADF: Montana program allowing parents, students to choose religious school should be upheld

Brief urges US Supreme Court to reverse ruling of state high court
Thursday, Sep 19, 2019

Arizona Supreme Court issues huge win for artistic freedom

State high court says Phoenix can’t violate artists’ freedom of speech, religion
Monday, Sep 16, 2019

Floral artist asks US Supreme Court to protect her freedom

Barronelle Stutzman goes back to high court after Washington court minimizes previous Supreme Court decision, affirms ruling that threatens to bankrupt her
Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019

Ann Arbor won't use law to force citizens to promote political views they oppose

ADF attorneys represent political consultants who sued to protect their First Amendment freedoms
Thursday, Sep 5, 2019