Christian school to court: Stop Maryland's discrimination against our low-income students

ADF attorneys available to media following hearing Thursday
Wednesday, Jan 8, 2020

La. legislators tell Supreme Court: Women deserve competent care, abortionists have no right to represent women's interests

ADF files brief on behalf of state legislators who voted for or support law requiring abortionists to hold hospital admitting privileges
Friday, Jan 3, 2020

ADF to US Supreme Court: Washington court got it wrong, floral artist shouldn't be forced to celebrate events that violate her faith

ADF attorneys return to high court, file reply brief on behalf of Barronelle Stutzman after Washington court minimizes previous Supreme Court decision, upholds ruling that threatens to bankrupt her
Friday, Dec 20, 2019

Montana high school revokes student club's official status because of religious beliefs

ADF represents students in letter to Bozeman High School, explains school’s violation of Constitution, federal law
Monday, Dec 16, 2019

Pregnancy centers to defend ND law that ensures women are fully informed about abortion

ADF represents world’s largest pregnancy center network in opposition to AMA attack on informed consent statute
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2019