Colorado website designer's appeal seeks protection of expressive freedom

Law at issue is same one involved in Masterpiece Cakeshop case
Monday, Oct 28, 2019

Appeals court rules Pittsburgh censorship zones can't exclude pro-life sidewalk counselors

3rd Circuit ruling allows pro-life speech to resume on public sidewalks
Friday, Oct 18, 2019

Broad support for floral artist's freedom as case heads back to US Supreme Court

Numerous briefs ask high court to take Barronelle Stutzman’s case after Washington court minimizes previous Supreme Court decision
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019

President bestows nation's highest civilian award on Edwin Meese III

ADF celebrates Meese’s legacy of public service and partnership, congratulates him on Presidential Medal of Freedom
Wednesday, Oct 9, 2019

US Supreme Court to hear arguments on lower court decision that redefined 'sex' in federal law

Press conference Tuesday following oral arguments in pivotal case affecting family businesses, women’s shelters, female athletes, others
Friday, Oct 4, 2019

Women's shelter triumphs over Anchorage's hostility

After loss in federal court, city agrees to end its attempt to force men into shelter for sexually assaulted women
Monday, Sep 30, 2019

VA teacher fired for declining to refer to female student with male pronouns files suit

ADF attorneys represent high school French teacher dismissed by West Point School Board
Monday, Sep 30, 2019

NYC Council votes to repeal law that censors psychotherapist's private conversations with patients

ADF attorneys represent Orthodox Jewish counselor who sued to protect his First Amendment freedoms
Friday, Sep 27, 2019