ADF: Court should end latest harassment of Masterpiece Cakeshop owner over his beliefs

Media briefing will follow oral arguments in state court Thursday
Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020

Georgia Tech faces lawsuit for discriminating against MLK's niece

Student government denied funding to club sponsoring Alveda King event because she is ‘inherently religious’ like her uncle
Wednesday, Apr 1, 2020

Sidewalk counselors ask US Supreme Court to review Pittsburgh censorship-zone law

ADF attorneys file petition at high court after 3rd Circuit reinterpreted city ordinance, declined to strike it down
Thursday, Mar 26, 2020

Faith-based campus groups at U. of Iowa: We have right to determine our leaders like others

ADF attorneys file friend-of-the-court brief at 8th Circuit
Tuesday, Mar 17, 2020

Professor appeals decision that lets Shawnee State force him to speak contrary to his beliefs

ADF represents professor illegally disciplined for declining male student’s demand to be addressed as a woman
Thursday, Mar 12, 2020

ADF Church Alliance releases election guide for churches

New resource to help church leaders navigate 2020 election season
Wednesday, Mar 11, 2020

March for Life to Supreme Court: Rules protecting nuns from funding abortion should stand

ADF attorneys filed friend-of-the-court brief with US Supreme Court
Tuesday, Mar 10, 2020