Virginia photographer to court: Stop state from censoring, controlling my artistic work

ADF attorney representing wedding photographer available to media following hearing Friday
Thursday, Jan 14, 2021

ADF letter prompts New York high school to accept conservative student club

ADF represents student at Harrison High School
Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021

Oral arguments completed at US Supreme Court in pivotal case on govt accountability

ADF attorneys represent Chike Uzuegbunam
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2021

US Supreme Court declines to take case concerning Pittsburgh's censorship zone law

Though flawed, 3rd Circuit decision left standing makes clear city ordinance doesn’t apply to pro-life sidewalk counselors
Monday, Jan 11, 2021

US Supreme Court to hear arguments on whether govt officials can be held accountable for violating constitutional rights

ADF attorneys available to media following oral arguments Tuesday
Monday, Jan 11, 2021

US Supreme Court to decide whether govt can force nonprofits to disclose donors

California spawned case by demanding confidential information, promising not to release it, then making it public
Friday, Jan 8, 2021

Pro-life student group's lawsuit prompts end to unconstitutional speech zone policies at Oregon college

ADF attorneys represent Chemeketa Community College Students for Life club prevented from speaking, providing resources to students in need
Friday, Jan 8, 2021

NC legislators ask court to dismiss case challenging laws protecting women

ADF attorneys represent House speaker, Senate president in lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood
Thursday, Jan 7, 2021