US Supreme Court: Govt officials must be held accountable when violating constitutional rights

ADF attorneys represent former Georgia Gwinnett College student prevented from engaging in free speech on campus
Monday, Mar 8, 2021

40+ briefs at US Supreme Court back freedom to support charities without harassment

Wide array of groups file friend-of-the-court briefs opposing govt coercion of nonprofits to disclose donors
Tuesday, Mar 2, 2021

Court to consider whether CT athletic association can abolish girls-only sports

ADF attorneys available to media following hearing in federal district court
Thursday, Feb 25, 2021

ADF to US Supreme Court: Americans should be free to support causes without harassment

ADF attorneys file opening brief in pivotal case concerning govt coercion of nonprofits to disclose donors
Monday, Feb 22, 2021

US Supreme Court to weigh in on HHS rule barring federal funding of abortion

ADF attorneys filed friend-of-the-court brief in favor of final rule that revives Title X regulations high court already approved
Monday, Feb 22, 2021