Missouri college challenges Biden order that opens dorms, showers to opposite sex

ADF attorneys represent College of the Ozarks
Thursday, Apr 15, 2021

Christian colleges fight lawsuit designed to strip their students of financial aid

Students stand to lose all federal tuition assistance because their schools follow Christian views
Monday, Apr 12, 2021

NY photographer challenges state law that threatens steep fines, jail time for artists

Law forces promotion of same-sex wedding ceremonies, forbids communicating certain views on marriage
Wednesday, Apr 7, 2021

Pro-life groups sue DC for censoring, arresting students chalking on public sidewalks

Police also halted efforts to paint street message, despite mayor’s approval of others
Saturday, Mar 27, 2021

6th Circuit upholds First Amendment rights of Shawnee State professor

ADF attorneys represent philosophy professor punished for declining to speak message contrary to his beliefs
Friday, Mar 26, 2021