Pastors ready for second annual Pulpit Freedom Sunday on Sept. 27

More than 80 pastors to preach sermons involving biblical perspectives on electoral candidates or officeholders despite IRS rule muzzling speech in the pulpit
Friday, Sep 25, 2009

Town of Greece v. Galloway

Wednesday, Aug 12, 2009

ADF attorney available to media after hearing over NY town's right to open meetings with prayer

ADF attorneys defend town of Greece in lawsuit filed by Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Wednesday, Aug 12, 2009

IRS withdraws audit on Minn. pastor's sermons

ADF attorneys say federal agency is leaving churches in limbo
Wednesday, Jul 29, 2009

NY nurse threatened, forced to assist in late-term abortion

ADF attorneys file lawsuit against hospital for violating Christian nurse’s rights of conscience
Thursday, Jul 23, 2009

Urgent lawsuit filed with Wis. Supreme Court to stop violation of marriage amendment

ADF, allied attorneys file special action with high court to stop legislative end-run around voters, state constitution
Thursday, Jul 23, 2009

ADF: U.S. Senate should not pass 'hate crimes' bill

Bill would ‘enforce orthodoxy of political correctness,’ stifle free speech
Saturday, May 2, 2009