ADF prepared to defend churches against possible IRS free speech investigations

ADF releases names of pastors who participated in Pulpit Freedom Sunday
Tuesday, Sep 30, 2008

Pulpit Freedom Sunday

Participating pastors will exercise First Amendment right to speak on positions of electoral candidates Sept. 28
Friday, Sep 26, 2008

Young pro-lifers jailed, shackled, strip searched for peacefully sharing message

ADF attorneys file suit in Md. after state troopers unconstitutionally silence pro-life advocates along public street
Wednesday, Sep 3, 2008

ADF announces new initiative to reclaim pastors' First Amendment rights

New effort challenges intimidation tactics of organizations that use IRS to silence pastors
Saturday, May 10, 2008

U.S. DOJ: N.Y. churches entitled to equal treatment by schools

Department of Justice files second brief in support of ADF position regarding church use of public buildings
Wednesday, Apr 2, 2008

Judge grants permanent injunction to allow Bronx church to meet at public school on Sundays

District court in New York rules in favor of Bronx Household of Faith in decade-long legal battle over church’s equal access rights
Saturday, Nov 3, 2007

Ramirez-Oliva v. Ramirez

Wednesday, Oct 24, 2007

ADF attorney available to the media following hearing on guardianship for Jesse Ramirez

Judge to determine permanent guardianship for Arizona war veteran injured in car accident May 30
Wednesday, Oct 24, 2007

ADF attorneys help reverse hasty decision to end hospitalized war veteran's life

Injured man is responsive, will be transferred from hospice care to rehab facility
Wednesday, Jun 27, 2007