Defenders of marriage in Calif. will appeal dangerous federal ruling

Attorneys defending Calif. marriage amendment unsurprised at judge’s decision, but promise ongoing vigorous defense of marriage, initiative process
Wednesday, Aug 4, 2010

Unconstitutional ordinance stops Ga. church from meeting on leased property

Church attendance drops, ministries cancelled after being forced to relocate to inferior locations
Friday, Jul 30, 2010

ADF files opening brief with U.S. Supreme Court in Ariz. school choice suit

State tuition tax credit program defended before nation’s highest court
Friday, Jul 30, 2010

Howell / University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana

Additional media resources available at right. To book an interview, click on the "Book an Interview" button.
Thursday, Jul 29, 2010

Fired U of I professor vindicated, will again be allowed to teach Catholicism class

U of I says Kenneth Howell will continue as adjunct professor
Thursday, Jul 29, 2010

ADF increases global impact with new status at United Nations

Special consultative status will allow ADF to monitor, shape issues affecting religious freedom
Wednesday, Jul 28, 2010

ADF to appeal ruling that allows Eastern Michigan U. to expel Christian students for holding to beliefs

University banished graduate counseling student for not affirming homosexual behavior
Tuesday, Jul 27, 2010

NJ Supreme Court rejects demand to redefine marriage…for now

Activists’ resurrected suit arguing that civil unions aren’t enough tossed
Monday, Jul 26, 2010

Augusta State Univ. to counseling student: change your beliefs or get out

ADF attorneys file suit after university officials require counseling student to abandon her beliefs to get a degree
Thursday, Jul 22, 2010

Stormans v. Wiesman

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2010

Ill. prof. fired for teaching about Catholic beliefs in class on Catholicism

ADF urges restoration of Kenneth Howell's First Amendment rights, teaching position
Monday, Jul 12, 2010

ADF files brief in support of National Day of Prayer's constitutionality

ADF on board in appeal to reverse federal court ruling declaring the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional
Saturday, Jul 10, 2010