US Supreme Court declines to tackle secrecy surrounding Planned Parenthood grants

ADF, allied attorney represent NH pro-life group in challenge to HHS over documents it won’t release to protect abortion giant’s ‘competitive position’
Monday, Nov 16, 2015

Swedish court rules midwife must assist with abortions to be employed

Court ignores intl law protecting freedom of conscience in workplace
Thursday, Nov 12, 2015

ADF: HHS out of bounds to attempt redefinition of 'sex' in federal law

ADF files official comment on HHS misinterpretation of Title IX
Thursday, Nov 12, 2015

Grimmark v. Sweden

Thursday, Nov 12, 2015

Supreme Court agrees to tackle abortion-pill mandate's sham 'accommodation'

ADF attorneys represent Penn. Christian college, four Okla. Christian universities
Friday, Nov 6, 2015

Rocky Mtn. Planned Parenthood's selling of baby parts, covering up rape, warrants defunding

ADF attorneys to testify Monday before Colo. Republican Study Committee
Friday, Nov 6, 2015

ADF to US Supreme Court: Mo. can't single out church preschool for discrimination

State officials unlawfully exclude Lutheran learning center from playground safety program
Thursday, Nov 5, 2015

ADF to 3rd Circuit: Pittsburgh censorship zones hurt women, violate free speech

ADF attorney available to media following oral arguments Friday
Thursday, Nov 5, 2015

New York school district violates children's privacy by opening restrooms to opposite sex

Schools on solid legal ground when they maintain separate restrooms, locker rooms for boys, girls
Friday, Oct 30, 2015

Poll: The more Ohioans know truth about Planned Parenthood, the more they support defunding

Majority of Ohioans agree that taxpayer funding should be redirected to trustworthy women’s health centers
Thursday, Oct 29, 2015

Cake artist asks Colo. Supreme Court to affirm his freedom of expression

ADF represents Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop
Friday, Oct 23, 2015