Michigan funeral home asks appeals court to uphold respectful dress code for employees

ADF attorney available to media following hearing at 6th Circuit
Tuesday, Oct 3, 2017

Colorado designer asks appeals court to halt law that forces her to promote same-sex weddings

Judge says artist cannot sue against part of law, will pause rest of suit until US Supreme Court ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop
Thursday, Sep 28, 2017

Students, parents ask appeals court to stop Pa. school district from violating bodily privacy

ADF, allied attorneys ask 3rd Circuit to weigh in on district court ruling
Monday, Sep 25, 2017

UN Security Council to investigate genocide against Christians

Human rights groups ask for international law expert to head investigations
Friday, Sep 22, 2017

Pro-life centers ask court to halt law that forces them to promote abortion

ADF attorneys available to media following hearing Friday
Thursday, Sep 21, 2017

ADF to appeal ruling that allows Minnesota officials to control filmmakers' stories

Attorneys representing owners of Telescope Media Group will ask appeals court to reinstate lawsuit
Wednesday, Sep 20, 2017

Michigan farmer can return to farmer's market, court says city discriminated based on marriage views

Order stops East Lansing from keeping farmer out of market because of belief in one-man, one-woman marriage
Friday, Sep 15, 2017

Nagy v. Hungary

Thursday, Sep 14, 2017

Top European court rules in favor of church autonomy

ECHR Grand Chamber reaffirms freedom of religious institutions to regulate own affairs
Thursday, Sep 14, 2017