Down syndrome orgs, women's group support Indiana law banning disability-, race-, sex-based abortions

Alliance Defending Freedom, Bioethics Defense Fund attorneys file brief with 7th Circuit
Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

ADF answers Colorado at US Supreme Court: 'Artists shouldn't be forced to express what govt dictates'

ADF attorneys file reply brief on behalf of cake artist Jack Phillips in Masterpiece Cakeshop case
Wednesday, Nov 22, 2017

Wisconsin university lets student government deny status, funding to conservative groups

ADF sends letter to University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point asking school to drop unconstitutional student group recognition, funding policies
Monday, Nov 20, 2017

Former Atlanta fire chief to court: 'I was unjustly fired for my beliefs'

Press conference immediately following hearing Friday
Thursday, Nov 16, 2017

NYC college agrees to change policies that led to discrimination against pro-life student group

ADF attorneys represent Students for Life chapter at Queens College
Thursday, Nov 16, 2017

Ohio Christian school continues fight to educate in building after more than six-year legal battle

Despite win at 6th Circuit, district court again rules against school, ADF attorneys file appeal
Tuesday, Nov 14, 2017

US Supreme Court agrees to weigh in on California law that forces pro-life centers to promote abortion

ADF attorneys represent National Institute of Family and Life Advocates
Monday, Nov 13, 2017

Fresno State prof to pay $17K, undergo free speech training after censoring students' pro-life expression

ADF represents Students for Life chapter in settlement of lawsuit
Thursday, Nov 9, 2017