Lone Star College System revises policies after ousting conservative student group

ADF lawsuit on behalf of Young Conservatives of Texas prompts changes
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

ADF praises NC university's revised policies respecting First Amendment

ADF letter prompts UNC-Pembroke to eliminate unconstitutional speech permit, zone restrictions
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Event: 'The Global Crisis in Religious Freedom'

ADF International to join policy briefing with world-renowned experts, specifically address anti-conversion laws
Monday, May 7, 2018

HHS agrees to investigate Hawaii for forcing pregnancy centers, doctors to promote abortion

ADF attorneys filed complaint over violations of federal conscience protections
Monday, Apr 30, 2018

Gaylor v. Mnuchin

Monday, Apr 30, 2018

Facing threat of jail time, artists appeal to court: 'Protect our expression from govt control'

Press conference following hearing in case that challenges Phoenix ordinance
Monday, Apr 23, 2018

ADF to 3rd Circuit: Pittsburgh censorship zones must go

ADF attorneys file opening brief in appeal of lower court ruling that upheld speech ban despite 3rd Circuit’s concerns
Friday, Apr 13, 2018

March for Life to 9th Circuit: Stop state interference with our pro-life mission

ADF attorneys file opening brief on appeal
Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018