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President Trump honors one-year anniversary of NIFLA v. Becerra decision

Wednesday, Jun 26, 2019

The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom President, CEO, and General Counsel Michael Farris regarding the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, which President Trump commemorated as part of a speech Wednesday in Washington, D.C.:

“The government has no business forcing anyone to express a message that violates their convictions. California disregarded that truth when it passed a law forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise for the abortion industry, but one year ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court rightly stopped that law and found that ‘the people lose when the government is the one deciding which ideas should prevail.’ The court’s decision has already been helpful to pro-life and speech cases in other states. The larger outcome of this case, however, affirmed the freedom that all Americans have to speak—or not to speak—in accordance with their conscience. We thank President Trump for recognizing the anniversary of this vital ruling from the high court.”

Farris argued before the Supreme Court on behalf of NIFLA and two of its pro-life pregnancy centers.

The following quote may be attributed to NIFLA President Thomas Glessner:

“One year ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the free speech rights of pro-life pregnancy centers and all Americans. In addition to protecting the work of life-affirming pregnancy centers across the nation, NIFLA v. Becerra clarified protection for the free speech rights of medical professionals, Christian counselors, and churches. However, we have seen that abortion industry advocates and their allies will stop at nothing to advance their agenda. Pregnancy centers working to provide free resources to women and children are still the target of legislative and media attacks nationwide. While NIFLA remains grateful for our victory in the Supreme Court one year ago, we know there is still much work to be done.”

Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.
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