NC Governor's School fires professor for speaking about harms of racially divisive ideology

ADF attorneys represent Dr. David Phillips in lawsuit
Monday, Dec 19, 2022

MA Supreme Judicial Court upholds protections for terminally ill, disabled

ADF attorney argued in support of Massachusetts’ prohibition on physician-assisted suicide
Monday, Dec 19, 2022

Kligler v. Attorney General

Monday, Dec 19, 2022

Christian doctors sue New Mexico over forced participation in assisted suicide

ADF attorneys represent doctor, association of thousands of medical professionals nationwide in federal lawsuit
Thursday, Dec 15, 2022

Christian student group secures First Amendment win against Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln officials

ADF attorneys representing Ratio Christi favorably settle lawsuit; university changes its policy to ensure fair, viewpoint-neutral treatment of student groups
Thursday, Dec 15, 2022

Denton v. Hecht

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022