To tax or not to tax: That is the court's question regarding Tenn. church

ADF attorney available to media after hearing, challenging state officials’ claim that outreach facilities ‘not integral’ part of ministry
Thursday, Sep 1, 2011

ADF will ask U.S. Supreme Court to reverse ruling that upholds discrimination against religious student groups

Ruling says Democrat group can exclude Republicans, but Christians must accept atheists
Monday, Aug 29, 2011

ADF: School district's efforts to make alternative pre-school site safe should be commended, not condemned

ADF letter assures Iowa school district that U.S. Constitution does not require it to neglect safety, handicap needs of students
Friday, Aug 26, 2011

Amen! Principal, teachers at Miss. school told prayers are protected

ADF corrects atheist group’s disinformation about ability of staff members to pray on campus when school not in session
Monday, Aug 22, 2011

ADF responds to additional ACLU demands that schoolchildren be exposed to porn

ADF: ACLU’s ‘Don’t Filter Me Initiative’ should be renamed ‘Public School Porn Initiative’
Friday, Aug 19, 2011

ADF on flawed marriage attack: Minn., U.S. Supreme Courts have already settled it

Brief explains that judge’s dismissal of attack on Minn. marriage laws rightly cited previous Minn., U.S. high court decisions
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011

Benson v. Alverson resource page

Thursday, Aug 18, 2011

European court allows ADF to intervene in multiple UK religious discrimination cases

Former Slovakian prime minister will join ADF in defending rights of conscience
Friday, Aug 12, 2011

Court unshackles Arizona Abortion Consent Act

Ariz. Court of Appeals says state laws protecting pregnant women are constitutional
Thursday, Aug 11, 2011