ACLU fright fest: previous legal settlement makes Tenn. school district needlessly jittery

ADF letter to Cheatham County School District says no settlement can ban private religious activities of teachers
Thursday, Oct 27, 2011

ADF attorneys ask U.S. Supreme Court to review Forsyth County prayer case

4th Circuit ruling on invocations conflicts with other courts, American history
Thursday, Oct 27, 2011

ADF presents annual Meese Award to Chuck Colson and Dr. Robert P. George

Award honors ‘significant efforts in promoting and defending religious liberty…and constitutional originalism’
Thursday, Oct 27, 2011

ADF: Texas school district right to ignore atheist group's demand to cancel assembly

ADF, allied attorneys send letter of support to district officials
Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011

ADF: Fla. school faculty can participate in, communicate about community-led prayer event

ADF letter corrects inaccuracies in Freedom From Religion Foundation accusations
Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011

Okla. school district silences 'Kids for Christ' club, tells it to be quiet in the media

District says before-school Christian club can no longer publicize activities, but other clubs can
Monday, Oct 24, 2011

55-year-old man responsive after nearly being starved to death at hospital

ADF-allied attorney represents Md. heart attack victim who said, ‘I want to live,’ but had food, water cut off
Friday, Oct 21, 2011

Court: Pa. elementary school must allow student to distribute religious fliers for Christmas parties

ADF attorneys represent student in lawsuit against Pocono Mountain School District
Friday, Oct 21, 2011

ADF: El Paso mayor on witch-hunt in attempt to stop recall election

ADF attorney available to media following hearing Monday
Friday, Oct 21, 2011

Mt. Soledad decision may be U.S. Supreme Court's third memorial cross case to bear

Legal attacks on memorial crosses continue to grow in federal court
Wednesday, Oct 19, 2011