Fla. church zoned out of building gets day in court

Alliance Defending Freedom allied attorney available for comment following hearing
Monday, Feb 17, 2014

7th Circuit to hear from Ind. church about cross ban

Alliance Defending Freedom allied attorneys represent congregation that participated in Evansville riverfront exhibit
Monday, Feb 17, 2014

European human rights court allows ADF to defend Italy's marriage laws

Brief explains that European countries have sovereign authority to decide marriage for themselves
Monday, Feb 17, 2014

U. of Ala. removes 'offensive' pro-life display

School official acted without notifying pro-life student group
Tuesday, Feb 11, 2014

Atheist group demands school stop allowing students to help starving children

ADF explains church location doesn’t mean students can’t pack meals for needy Haiti families
Monday, Feb 10, 2014

Attacks on Christians in India continue to go unpunished

Alliance Defending Freedom attorney to testify Tuesday before US House subcommittee
Monday, Feb 10, 2014

ADF: Minn. taxpayer-funded abortion scheme unlawful, minorities hit hardest

ADF attorney available to media after appeals court considers whether to reinstate taxpayer challenge to unauthorized abortion funding
Wednesday, Feb 5, 2014

Christian pre-school excluded from Mo. scrap tire program files appeal

State claimed religious daycare centers can’t participate, then admits it has approved such centers on 15 other occasions
Wednesday, Feb 5, 2014