ADF: Govt shouldn't fire employees for testifying truthfully in court

Brief asks US Supreme Court to clarify First Amendment protections for public employees who face retaliation
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2014

Canadian Supreme Court to decide if govt can force Catholic school to teach contrary to its beliefs

ADF-allied attorney files brief in defense of private high school
Tuesday, Mar 11, 2014

Court strikes down entirety of Md. county's 'forced speech' law for pregnancy centers

Victory for pro-life center represented by Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys
Friday, Mar 7, 2014

ADF: Supreme Court should end govt speech discrimination against churches

Diverse group of law professors also want court to weigh in
Thursday, Mar 6, 2014

ADF letters rebut Planned Parenthood claims, ask for recusal of school board member

Tempe Union HSD governing board member closely tied to Planned Parenthood
Thursday, Mar 6, 2014

Okla. State University ends showdown with Cowboys for Life

Settlement results in policy changes that will end disruption of pro-life events
Wednesday, Mar 5, 2014

Cowboys for Life v. Sampson

Wednesday, Mar 5, 2014

ADF to Supreme Court: Americans have right to speak up for free speech

Brief explains need to reverse ruling that prevented pro-life group from challenging Ohio anti-speech law
Tuesday, Mar 4, 2014

Lawsuit seeks end to anti-speech 'bubble' zones

Madison, Wis. law creates hundreds of 320-foot-wide zones that prohibit leafleting, other free speech
Friday, Feb 28, 2014