NC county seeks to resume prayers in light of US Supreme Court decision

ADF attorneys ask court to lift order against Forsyth County prayer policy in wake of Town of Greece v. Galloway decision
Friday, Jun 13, 2014

Md. city council targets pro-life groups with demands for private files

ADF attorneys file motion to protect privacy rights of pro-life organizations
Friday, Jun 13, 2014

Family to lose health plan, pay for abortions under Obamacare

Pro-life family must choose between paying for abortions or face fines
Friday, Jun 13, 2014

ADF asks court to uphold Colo. marriage laws

ADF attorney available for media interviews after oral argument
Friday, Jun 13, 2014

University sticks taxpayers with $700,000 bill for retaliating against conservative professor

Court awards attorneys’ fees, costs for seven-year litigation battle
Wednesday, Jun 11, 2014

ADF asks court to uphold Ariz. marriage laws

ADF attorneys file motion for summary judgment
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2014

Obama administration's attacks on religious freedom increasing

ADF attorney to testify Tuesday before US House subcommittee
Monday, Jun 9, 2014

ADF lawsuit results in speech policy changes at 23 Va. college campuses

Virginia Community College System consents to court order in student’s legal challenge to unconstitutional speech codes
Friday, Jun 6, 2014

Taxpayers ask Minn. Supreme Court to reinstate abortion funding challenge

Lawsuit seeks to stop unauthorized abortion funding
Tuesday, Jun 3, 2014

Artistic expression at stake in Colo. cake artist case

ADF attorneys, allied attorneys available to media following Colorado Civil Rights Commission hearing
Friday, May 30, 2014