US Supreme Court unanimous in striking down Mass. anti-speech buffer zone

High court calls law that censors free speech of pro-life advocates unconstitutional
Thursday, Jun 26, 2014

Bracy v. Burwell

Monday, Jun 23, 2014

Ariz. church threatened with unjust foreclosure raises $68,000 to keep doors open

Church ministry to homeless uninterrupted, lawsuit against illegal tax bill can continue
Friday, Jun 20, 2014

DC bill could coerce pro-life organizations against their mission

ADF attorney to testify Monday before DC Council committee
Friday, Jun 20, 2014

Lane v. Franks

Thursday, Jun 19, 2014

Md. county pays $375,000 for anti-pregnancy care law

Victory for pro-life center represented by ADF attorneys
Wednesday, Jun 18, 2014

ADF asks US Supreme Court to review NYC's anti-pregnancy care law

ADF files appeal for pregnancy centers seeking full restoration of First Amendment freedoms
Tuesday, Jun 17, 2014