Pa. school district revises speech policy in student lawsuit over Valentine's Day card

School district that censored Pa. 1st grader’s John 3:16 valentine settles
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014

City of Coeur d'Alene confirms for-profit wedding chapel violates ordinance

City attorney erroneously claims ordained ministers are operating non-profit
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014

Students free to be voice for aborted children

ADF ready to defend participants in annual Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity
Monday, Oct 20, 2014

Govt tells Christian ministers: Perform same-sex weddings or face jail, fines

Officials threaten to punish senior citizen couple – both ordained pastors – if they decline to officiate same-sex ceremonies
Saturday, Oct 18, 2014

Woodfill v. Parker

Thursday, Oct 16, 2014

ADF: Students free to participate in 'Bring Your Bible to School Day'

Legal memo outlines constitutionally protected freedoms of students
Wednesday, Oct 15, 2014

ADF offers guidance to Wis., Ind., Utah officials responsible for issuing marriage licenses

ADF reaffirms constitutionally protected freedom of conscience of clerks
Wednesday, Oct 15, 2014