ADF to court: Stop Anchorage from forcing shelter to let males sleep next to abused women

ADF attorneys available to media following hearing Tuesday
Monday, Sep 13, 2021

ADF to US Supreme Court: Govt can't discriminate against students at religious schools

ADF attorneys file friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty
Friday, Sep 10, 2021

WVSU soccer player seeks to protect women's sports

ADF attorneys ask court to allow female athlete to intervene to help defend WV’s Save Women’s Sport Act
Friday, Sep 10, 2021

Montana tells court: Planned Parenthood's request to stop laws protecting women falls flat

ADF attorneys represent state in lawsuit filed by abortion giant
Wednesday, Sep 8, 2021

High school teacher fired over pronoun usage takes his case to Virginia Supreme Court

ADF attorneys represent Peter Vlaming
Friday, Sep 3, 2021

Multiple briefs at US Supreme Court back freedom for homeless ministry to hire only those sharing its beliefs

ADF attorneys represent Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission
Friday, Sep 3, 2021