ADF asks Supreme Court to halt enforcement of unlawful vaccine mandate

ADF attorneys filed emergency application for stay after 6th Circuit panel decided OSHA vaccine mandate can proceed
Saturday, Dec 18, 2021

Court dangerously applies 'Orwellian' logic to NY photographer, forcing her to speak contrary to her beliefs

A federal district court ruled NY can compel an artist to create photographs, blogs that violate her beliefs, applied same reasoning as 303 Creative ruling
Wednesday, Dec 15, 2021

ADF to PA Supreme Court: Uphold protections for health of unborn children, mothers

ADF attorneys filed friend-of-the-court brief in support of Keystone State’s prohibition on taxpayer funding of elective abortion
Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021

Court: Maryland violated Christian school's rights, can't reclaim $102K in funding

ADF attorneys represent Bethel Christian Academy
Friday, Dec 10, 2021

Bethel Ministries v. Salmon

Friday, Dec 10, 2021