Arizona Supreme Court will hear case challenging state's pro-life law

ADF attorneys representing physician filed petition for review with state high court
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2023

Seattle-area church required to pay for abortions returns to 9th Circuit

Cedar Park Church asks appeals court for freedom to abide by its beliefs
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2023

MI religious orgs ask 6th Circuit to protect their right to operate consistent with their faith

ADF attorneys represent Christian Healthcare Centers, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in two lawsuits challenging state law burdening their religious exercise
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2023

Bank of America boots charity serving impoverished Ugandans under vague 'risk tolerance' policies

ADF attorneys file consumer complaint with TN attorney general
Tuesday, Aug 22, 2023

MI farmer free to continue selling apples at East Lansing farmer's market

District court rules in favor of Steve Tennes, Country Mill Farms’ religious freedom
Tuesday, Aug 22, 2023

Consumer complaint alleges religious discrimination by Fidelity Charitable

Account holder says financial giant screened her out from supporting mainstream conservative groups, including ADF
Friday, Aug 18, 2023