Free speech no longer boxed in at LSU

University revises student policy after Alliance Defending Freedom files lawsuit
Wednesday, Jul 3, 2013

Univ. at Buffalo charges pro-life group $650 for free speech

Alliance Defending Freedom files suit against unconstitutional fees levied at the whim of university officials
Monday, Jul 1, 2013

No free speech for university employees?

Brief asks Supreme Court to take case of Univ. of Toledo administrator fired for expressing her private opinion
Monday, Jul 1, 2013

NAACP attacks Ariz. bill prohibiting gender- and race-selection abortions

Alliance Defending Freedom seeks to intervene on behalf of bill’s sponsor and Frederick Douglass Foundation
Monday, Jul 1, 2013

Rule of law bypassed in Prop. 8 case

Supreme Court leaves in place premature 9th Circuit order against Prop. 8
Sunday, Jun 30, 2013

Will the rule of law prevail in Calif.?

Prop. 8 legal team files emergency application with Supreme Court to reverse 9th Circuit’s premature actions
Saturday, Jun 29, 2013

Marriage redefinition doesn't trump religious freedom for Del. clerks

Alliance Defending Freedom advises clerks of the peace about their constitutionally protected religious freedom
Friday, Jun 28, 2013

Supreme Court strikes down DOMA

Wednesday, Jun 26, 2013