2,000 churches, ministries ask Senate to stand firm against legislation attacking religious freedom
The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Ryan Tucker regarding a letter ADF sent Tuesday on behalf of over 2,000 churches and ministries to U.S. senators asking them to oppose the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act,” a bill that would do far more than enshrine same-sex marriage into federal law by intentionally jeopardizing the religious freedom of millions of Americans who have sincerely held beliefs about marriage:
“Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, we have continued to see attacks on people of faith for adhering to their religious beliefs about marriage—just as the justices who dissented predicted. Despite claims from its supporters that religious liberty will be protected, the so-called ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ would only further hostility against churches and ministries and the millions of Americans who hold decent and honorable beliefs about marriage. This legislation would inflict an injustice on these ministry leaders, the members of their congregations and organizations, and the countless Americans whom they regularly serve. The churches and ministries signing this letter are urging the members of the Senate to stand firm against this blatant attack on religious freedom and the institution of marriage by voting against this dangerous and unnecessary legislation.”
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.
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