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StemExpress v. The Center for Medical Progress

Description:  StemExpress is attempting to stop the release of undercover video footage that apparently shows high-ranking company executives involved with Planned Parenthood in the illegal sale of aborted baby parts.

Friday, Aug 21, 2015
The following quotes may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom allied attorneys representing the Center for Medical Progress, regarding a Superior Court of the State of California decision Friday in StemExpress v. The Center for Medical Progress, which dissolves a temporary restraining order against the Center for Medical Progress, allowing them to release footage that features high-ranking StemExpress executives in California involved in selling fetal body parts:
“The First Amendment protects every American’s free speech, regardless of how damaging the truth is for scandal-ridden organizations like StemExpress and Planned Parenthood,” said Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund President Chuck LiMandri. “Our client has the right to expose StemExpress’ role in the potentially illegal sale of aborted babies’ body parts. The court was correct in lifting this gag order, which only served to protect StemExpress’ gruesome business.”

“The American people deserve to know the truth about the hideous industry that buys and sells the hearts, lungs, heads, and livers of unborn babies,” said Life Legal Defense Foundation Vice President of Legal Affairs Catherine Short. “The Center for Medical Progress should not be silenced and StemExpress and Planned Parenthood should not be able to get off the hook when there is credible evidence that they have colluded in numerous illegal activities.”
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.

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Legal Documents

2014 ADF report to Congress: on Planned Parenthood’s waste, abuse, and potential fraud
Temporary restraining order: StemExpress v. The Center for Medical Progress

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