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War heroes have the right to be remembered

Mt. Soledad memorial cross should stand, continue to honor sacrifice of American troops

Tuesday, Jan 4, 2011

SAN DIEGO — The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit issued a 3-0 decision in Trunk v. City of San Diego Tuesday, holding that the memorial cross at Mt. Soledad violates the U.S. Constitution.

“War heroes have earned the right to be remembered.  The memory of those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom shouldn’t be dishonored because the ACLU finds a small number of people who are merely offended,” said Alliance Defense Fund Senior Counsel Joe Infranco.  “It’s tragic that the court chose a twisted and tired interpretation of the First Amendment over the common-sense idea that the families of fallen American troops should be allowed to honor these heroes as they choose.  No one is harmed, constitutionally or otherwise, by the presence of a cross on a war memorial.  There is great harm to tearing these memorials down.  The memorial cross should stand in honor of the sacrifice made by American troops.”