US Supreme Court rules against Obama admin.'s abortion pill mandate
Monday, Jun 30, 2014
The following quotes are from Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel David Cortman and Conestoga Wood Specialties President and CEO Anthony Hahn regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Monday against the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate in favor of the two family-run businesses involved in Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Burwell and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores:
ADF Senior Counsel David Cortman:
“Americans don’t surrender their freedom by opening a family business. In its decision today, the Supreme Court affirmed that all Americans, including family business owners, must be free to live and work consistently with their beliefs without fear of punishment by the government. In a free and diverse society, we respect the freedom to live out our convictions. For the Hahns and the Greens, that means not being forced to participate in distributing potentially life-terminating drugs and devices.”
Conestoga Wood Specialties President and CEO Anthony Hahn:
“We in the Hahn family want to thank everyone who supported us during this lawsuit. We wholeheartedly affirm what the Supreme Court made clear today—that Americans don’t have to surrender their freedom when they open a family business. All Americans, including family business owners, must be free to live and work according to their beliefs without fear of government punishment. As I said at the beginning of this lawsuit, this effort wasn’t just for Conestoga. We took this stand for others as well. The administration has gone too far in disrespecting the freedom of Americans to live out their convictions. For our family and others like us, that means it must respect our freedom not to participate in the distribution of drugs and devices that can cause an abortion.”
A full news release will be issued shortly. It will be available on the Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Burwell resource page.
ADF Senior Counsel David Cortman:
“Americans don’t surrender their freedom by opening a family business. In its decision today, the Supreme Court affirmed that all Americans, including family business owners, must be free to live and work consistently with their beliefs without fear of punishment by the government. In a free and diverse society, we respect the freedom to live out our convictions. For the Hahns and the Greens, that means not being forced to participate in distributing potentially life-terminating drugs and devices.”
Conestoga Wood Specialties President and CEO Anthony Hahn:
“We in the Hahn family want to thank everyone who supported us during this lawsuit. We wholeheartedly affirm what the Supreme Court made clear today—that Americans don’t have to surrender their freedom when they open a family business. All Americans, including family business owners, must be free to live and work according to their beliefs without fear of government punishment. As I said at the beginning of this lawsuit, this effort wasn’t just for Conestoga. We took this stand for others as well. The administration has gone too far in disrespecting the freedom of Americans to live out their convictions. For our family and others like us, that means it must respect our freedom not to participate in the distribution of drugs and devices that can cause an abortion.”
A full news release will be issued shortly. It will be available on the Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Burwell resource page.
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.
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