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Trump takes important first step to protect privacy and dignity of students across America

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2017

The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Gary McCaleb regarding the Trump administration’s decision to rescind an Obama administration directive that disregarded the privacy, safety, and dignity of all students:

“President Trump, Secretary DeVos, and General Sessions have done the right thing for the privacy, safety, and dignity of young students across America. No longer will federal officials distort federal law that is meant to equalize educational opportunities for women, and no longer will they force local officials to intermingle boys and girls within private areas like locker rooms, showers, hotel rooms on school trips, and restrooms. Student privacy in those facilities must be protected, and by restoring the right understanding of Title IX, our nation also restores common sense: School officials should be free to protect their student’s privacy, safety, and dignity.”

The following quote may be attributed to Sarah Harrington, a student from Palatine, Illinois, and a member of Students and Parents for Privacy:

“When my school district made the decision to allow boys in the girls’ locker room and shower area, it made me feel that my rights didn’t matter. I should have a choice when a boy is in the room when I undress. There are sensitive accommodations for those who are struggling with these issues that respect the privacy, dignity, and well-being of all students, because every student matters. It is common sense: Boys don’t belong in locker rooms or shower areas with girls.”

The following quote may be attributed to Dan Harrington, a parent from Palatine, Illinois, and a member of Students and Parents for Privacy:

“As a parent, I expect the school my daughter attends to protect her privacy, dignity, and well-being. When our school district, at the urging of the Obama administration, allowed boys into the girls’ locker room, it abandoned its duty. That is why a group of parents felt the need to stand up for our children and every child in the school. We are grateful that the president has taken first step in restoring sanity to our schools. There are common-sense solutions that would protect the rights and dignity of all students. Allowing young men into the restrooms and locker rooms of our daughters is not one of them.”

Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.

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