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After same-sex marriage: What Australia could learn from the US

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott to speak about Australian marriage vote at ADF International sponsored event

Wednesday, Oct 25, 2017
WHO: 28th Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott, MP; ADF International President and CEO Michael Farris; and ADF International Executive Director Paul Coleman (host)
WHEN: Wednesday, Nov.1, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. EDT
WHERE: The Pierre Hotel, 2 E. 61st St., New York

NEW YORK – On Nov. 1, ADF International will host an evening discussion with former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, MP, about the ongoing vote on same-sex marriage in Australia. He will address media and delegates in a keynote speech on the effects of redefining marriage upon society.

Abbott is rallying in Australia for reserving the term “marriage” for relationships between one man and one woman. Media interested in attending the event should RSVP in advance at the event registration webpage.

“I want a country where everyone gets a fair go and where no one is discriminated against on the basis of race, gender, religion, political opinion, or sexuality,” said Abbott in the lead-up to the event. “That does not mean we cannot continue to reserve the term marriage for the relationship of one man with one woman, ideally for life and usually dedicated to children.”

ADF International President and CEO Michael Farris will also speak at the event.

“The freedom to peacefully live, work, and speak according to one’s conscience without threat of government punishment is critical to a free society,” Farris said. “The belief that marriage is a union between a man and woman has cut across races, religions, culture, and time. In America today, the government is discriminating against those who hold this belief, and driving them out of their jobs and the public square. For instance, a floral designer who faithfully served a customer for nine years may lose her business, her home, and her life savings for referring him to another florist for his same-sex wedding. Other examples include artists being threatened with jail time simply for wanting to create art that is only consistent with their convictions.”

“Same-sex marriage advocates promised that those holding opposing views would not be harassed,” Farris noted. “That promise has been repeatedly shattered, and people who don’t want to participate are having their very livelihoods placed in jeopardy.”

ADF International is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.
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