ADF: Renewed attack on marriage in NJ should be quickly dismissed
Despite two state Supreme Court rulings rebuffing attacks on marriage, activist groups try to impose redefinition through the courts again anyway
Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011
ADF attorney sound bites (6/29/11): Austin Nimocks #1 | Austin Nimocks #2
TRENTON, N.J. — Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund say a new lawsuit seeking to impose a redefinition of marriage on the people of New Jersey through the courts should be quickly dismissed in light of a recent state Supreme Court ruling that has already settled the matter.
“Marriage between a man and a woman is a longstanding, worldwide idea that is the primary building block of society,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Austin R. Nimocks. “It naturally builds families--mom, dad, and children--and gives hope that the next generations will carry that on into the future. That’s why it is worthy of special protection. The New Jersey Supreme Court has already decided this matter by denying the attempts of activists to make marriage something other than this through the courts.”
In 2006, in a lawsuit filed by Lambda Legal, the New Jersey Supreme Court refused to impose same-sex “marriage” on the state and instead gave the legislature the option to create “civil unions.” After the legislature chose that option, Lambda Legal tried to resurrect its lawsuit in 2010, but the New Jersey Supreme Court dismissed that action.
Despite the refusal of the New Jersey courts to completely step outside of their proper role, Garden State Equality and Lambda Legal filed the lawsuit Garden State Equality v. Dow Wednesday in another attempt to have same-sex “marriage” judicially imposed upon the state.
“These attacks utterly dispel the myth that ‘civil unions’ will appease such activists, who simply seek to use them as a legal springboard to redefine marriage,” Nimocks said.
“Marriage between a man and a woman is a longstanding, worldwide idea that is the primary building block of society,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Austin R. Nimocks. “It naturally builds families--mom, dad, and children--and gives hope that the next generations will carry that on into the future. That’s why it is worthy of special protection. The New Jersey Supreme Court has already decided this matter by denying the attempts of activists to make marriage something other than this through the courts.”
In 2006, in a lawsuit filed by Lambda Legal, the New Jersey Supreme Court refused to impose same-sex “marriage” on the state and instead gave the legislature the option to create “civil unions.” After the legislature chose that option, Lambda Legal tried to resurrect its lawsuit in 2010, but the New Jersey Supreme Court dismissed that action.
Despite the refusal of the New Jersey courts to completely step outside of their proper role, Garden State Equality and Lambda Legal filed the lawsuit Garden State Equality v. Dow Wednesday in another attempt to have same-sex “marriage” judicially imposed upon the state.
“These attacks utterly dispel the myth that ‘civil unions’ will appease such activists, who simply seek to use them as a legal springboard to redefine marriage,” Nimocks said.
A scientific poll sponsored by ADF and completed by Public Opinion Strategies May 16-19 found that 62 percent of Americans believe that “marriage should be defined only as a union between one man and one woman.”
- Pronunciation guide: Nimocks (NIM’-ucks)
ADF is a legal alliance of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations defending the right of people to freely live out their faith. Launched in 1994, ADF employs a unique combination of strategy, training, funding, and litigation to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family.