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ADF commends Wis. school for apology after showing children same-sex marriage propaganda video

Schools should allow open discussion, reject indoctrination

Friday, May 23, 2014
JANESVILLE, Wis. — Alliance Defending Freedom sent Janesville School District a letter Wednesday applauding its apology for showing students a one-sided video that promotes same-sex marriage and attacks religious views to the contrary.
“Schoolchildren should receive an education that is free from ideological or political bias and that does not disparage any of their beliefs,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco. “Student indoctrination is inappropriate, especially on an issue as important as marriage. Students and parents deserve better. The district recognized its mistake and deserves to be commended.”
In April, students at Craig High School were shown a video that promotes same-sex marriage and condemns supporters of marriage between one man and one woman. The video shows students saying it is “insane” and “outrageous” that “only” 14 states (at the time the video was created) allow same-sex marriage. The video also shows students responding to Christian objections to same-sex marriage. Responses included “Cry me a river, build me a bridge and get over it;” “You guys are basic and nobody likes you,” and “No one cares what you think.”
The letter explains that Janesville School District “rightly determined that showing the video contravened its Academic Freedom and Controversial Issues in the Classroom policies” and that the video’s “disparagement of religious beliefs opposing same-sex marriage likely violated the Establishment Clause.”
The letter also notes that the “Board of Education recognizes students’ ‘right to receive competent instruction in an atmosphere free from bias and prejudice.’” Moreover, the school’s policy “affirms that ‘[a]lthough teachers have the right to express their own viewpoints and opinions, they do not have the right to indoctrinate students.’”
“Schools are wise to take an unbiased and objective approach when teaching about controversial social issues,” added ADF Litigation Counsel Jonathan Scruggs. “We commend the district for recognizing that the one-sided, anti-religious same-sex marriage video shown in class violated its policies and undermined parental authority. We hope more school districts follow their lead.”
  • Pronunciation guide: Tedesco (Tuh-DESS’-koh)
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.
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ABOUT Jonathan Scruggs

Jonathan Scruggs serves as senior counsel and vice president of litigation strategy and the Center for Conscience Initiatives with Alliance Defending Freedom. In this role, he identifies new litigation opportunities and develops new strategies for protecting free speech and religious liberty in collaboration with the chief legal counsel and litigation team directors. As the leader for the Center for Conscience Initiatives, Scruggs oversees the litigation team defending the rights of professionals and business owners to live out their faith as well as the litigation efforts to protect equal opportunities for women in athletics. Since joining ADF in 2006, Scruggs has worked on and prevailed in a variety of cases that protect the right of people to freely express their faith in their business, at school, and in the public square. He earned his J.D. at Harvard Law School and is admitted to practice in the states of Arizona and Tennessee. Scruggs is also admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court and multiple federal district and appellate courts.