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Hickenlooper v. Freedom From Religion Foundation

Description:  The Freedom From Religion Foundation filed suit in 2010 to challenge the constitutionality of prayer proclamations, which Colorado’s governors routinely issue on the National Day of Prayer each year.

Monday, Nov 24, 2014
The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Michael J. Norton regarding the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision Monday to throw out an attack on the governor’s prayer proclamation in Hickenlooper v. Freedom From Religion Foundation:

“All Americans – including governors – are free to speak out in recognition of constitutionally protected freedoms, such as prayer. The Colorado Supreme Court was right to keep in place the governor’s freedom to do just that in the form of a prayer proclamation. Public officials remain free to issue such proclamations in the years ahead just as the founders of our country and the state of Colorado were free to do. This is a freedom not only rooted in our history; it is a constitutionally protected freedom clearly recognized in both state and federal courts.”
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.

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Previous News Releases

Legal Documents

Complaint: Hickenlooper v. Freedom From Religion Foundation
District court summary judgment order: Hickenlooper v. Freedom From Religion Foundation
Appellate court opinion: Hickenlooper v. Freedom From Religion Foundation
Friend-of-the-court brief: Hickenlooper v. Freedom From Religion Foundation
Colorado Supreme Court opinion: Hickenlooper v. Freedom From Religion Foundation