ADF Intl to co-host event at European Parliament on current Planned Parenthood video scandal
Live Action President Lila Rose will be keynote speaker
Tuesday, Oct 13, 2015

Co-hosts include the EPP Working Group on Bioethics and Human Dignity, the European Ideas Network, and four members of the European Parliament.
“We are seeing a severe human rights breach right in front of our eyes here,” said ADF International Director of EU Advocacy Sophia Kuby. “The same organization that is under criminal investigation in the U.S. and is accused of illegally trafficking baby parts operates everywhere in Europe and is funded by the European Union. Parliament must look into this.”
Several Center for Medical Progress undercover videos, which a recent forensic analysis found are “authentic and show no evidence of manipulation…,” prompted the event. The videos show high-ranking Planned Parenthood executives in the United States describing the organization’s willingness to harvest and sell the organs of aborted children. The footage places on display the potentially illegal activity of negotiating the sale of baby parts and descriptions of how the organization could alter abortion procedures to secure intact organs and fetal cadavers.
Rose, a well-travelled and highly experienced international speaker on the topic of exposing misconduct by the abortion industry, was the first person in the United States to produce other investigative videos capturing the illegal activities of Planned Parenthood.
The event is open to the media and the general public. Those wishing to attend need an entrance badge to access the European Parliament. Those who do not already have acceptable entrance credentials should contact [email protected] to obtain a badge.
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